Introducing Token-Gated Group Chats: A New Era for DAOs and NFT Communities

Introducing Token-Gated Group Chats: A New Era for DAOs and NFT Communities

The landscape of digital communities is undergoing a revolutionary change with the introduction of native web3 token-gated group chats. This groundbreaking feature, scheduled to launch in November, is set to redefine how DAOs, NFT communities, and other web3 entities engage with their members. For the first time, these groups can integrate chat functionalities directly onto their frontends with minimal coding, fostering direct and verified interactions within their ecosystems.

What Are Token-Gated Group Chats?

Token-gated group chats are an innovative web3 solution that restricts access to group chats based on blockchain-based tokens or NFTs. This means that to join a chat or send messages, a user's wallet must contain specific tokens or NFTs, or meet custom-defined criteria. This technology not only streamlines community management but also opens up a plenty of opportunities for engagement, rewards, and feedback mechanisms directly from the community's interface.

Why It Matters?

The introduction of token-gated group chats represents a significant leap forward in community engagement strategies. DAOs and NFT communities can now:

  • Create Exclusive Spaces: By gating access, communities can ensure that participants have a vested interest, enhancing the quality of interactions.

  • Innovate in Engagement: Communities can design unique "game theories" for interaction, such as rewarding active members or creating tiered access levels based on token holdings.

  • Gather Direct Feedback: Implementing mechanisms where feedback or participation requires a token investment ensures that only those truly committed to the community's success take part.

How to Implement Token-Gated Group Chats

  1. Visit Push's chat creation page.

  2. Connect with your wallet.

  3. Click on "create group" and follow the intuitive interface to set up your group chat, including token gating criteria.

  4. Add other wallets to the group.

Implementing Token Gating from the Backend

If you want to make your group chats work differently based on certain conditions, you can do that with Push's tools. They've got a guide that explains how to set this up on the backend side. Just go to their official docs on Conditional Rules for Groups here.


Token-gated group chats mark a significant innovation in how web3 communities engage with their members. By leveraging blockchain technology to ensure direct and verified interactions, DAOs and NFT communities can foster more meaningful and secure communication channels. With the tools provided by platforms like Push, integrating these advanced features is both accessible and straightforward, promising a new era of community interaction and engagement in the web3 space.